Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fusca Bala!

Fusca Bala in a free translation means Bullet Beetle. Probably the most famous modfied/custom Brazilian car, it's nothing more than the good old VW Beetle with cool wheels or tunned motor. It was very popular during the 70's and early 80's and still in action in drag competition arround Brazil...

... defeating the Ferraris!

Monday, May 23, 2011

One year since the last post

One year has passed since the last time I posted in the blog...

... use a moble phone to post is no a good idea!

Now we're living and working in the South of Brazil and my wife says the the "Dog Days are Over". In fact is: life is bether now! Less work, less trafic, more spare time and more extra spare time! So, I wil have lots of time to post. My plan is: post more often... more often than once a week. If I don't post with the periodicity I'm planning the most probable reason is: my wife is playing too much bubble shooter!

Good evening, dear readers!

I'm back!

PS: Don't forget to switch to 240p to turn on the audio of "Dog Days are Over" video.